Consultation for School District Classrooms

ABC provides consultation for local school district classrooms, as identified within the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Services provided through this model include providing 1:1 aides, consultation to aides and teachers, as well as school personnel training on ABA principles. 


 Child-Specific Classroom Consultation

This service requires an individualized assessment, lasting between 10-15 hours. Depending on client need and the intensity of consultation required, classroom visits range from occurring two times per week to once per month. Consultation may be limited to one or two areas of focus (such as PECS or the reduction of behavior excesses), or may encompass the design and monitoring of an intensive behavioral treatment program (e.g., discrete trial and functional skills lessons/routines, re-structuring the student’s schedule and environment, on-going staff training, social skills training, etc.). The length of service may range from short term (e.g., 3-4 months) to long term (e.g., 2+ years). Child-specific classroom consultation often occurs in conjunction with an afternoon in-home intensive behavioral treatment program. 

Autism Classroom Training and Consultation

This model typically includes an assessment of the current school district classroom structure using Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc.’s “Pyramid-Powered Classroom Checklist” as a general guideline. The ABC Behavior Consultant evaluates the classroom on each one of the Pyramid Elements (i.e., Powerful Reinforcement, Functional Communication, Prompting Strategies, Behavior Intervention Plans, Generalization, etc.). Upon completion of the assessment, recommendations are made regarding which Pyramid elements should be the focus of initial training and consultation. 

Training with Follow-Up Consultation

This type of classroom consultation model is less intensive and shorter term than the Pyramid-based Autism classroom consultation model. Typically, ABC is requested to do training for district school staff on one or more specific topic(s) (e.g., reinforcement, PECS, behavior intervention plans, discrete trials, etc.). After the initial training occurs (e.g., 1-2 days), several follow-up consultation visits occur to assist the classroom staff in implementing material taught in the training. The number of follow-up visits varies per training, but there are usually 2-4 follow-up consultation visits over a two to three month period of time for each topic trained. 


ABC also provides a variety of workshops and training series to school districts and other agencies in the US. These include the following:

  • Three-Day and Five-Day Discrete Trials workshops

  • PECS trainings

  • Discrete Trial Certification Programs

  • Generalization Workshops 

  • Child-Specific Workshops (related to assessment) 

Click here for more information.